Aromatic herbs in September

Growing aromatic herbs
September 14, 2011

The summer is ending and many herbs have finished their annual life cycle, or are about to complete it, while many others free from excessive heat produces tender and large leaves. Autumn is approaching and a new season of sowing and harvesting is coming.

LicoriceLicorice is now a bush full of small round leaves. This fall I'll finally try to harvest it.

CuminCumin has flourished in early summer its seeds are now ready to be harvested. Cumin seeds are a spice widely used, especially in Indian cuisine.

Cumin recipes

AniseAnise seeds are ready to be harvested too. As you may see from the picture, the volcanic ash from Etna has left the the seeds dirty, making the harvest more difficult.

ChivesI sowed the chives and it has become lush and rich in a few months. In autumn the chives aerial part will die but the plant is not dead and new leaves will born the next spring.

Chives Garlic Chives Garlic is very similar to chives, but it should remain productive much longer, almost without stopping if the winter remains mild.

BasilBasil is flowering...

Rosemary... and rosemary is flowering too.

I've already done the autumn sowing, with old friends such as chervil, cress, dill and Welsh onion, and new herbs never grown before: some varieties of mustard and sage, the famous par-cel (parsley/celery) and more. I will let you know!

Herbs omelette with fried green tomatoes
One year ago: Herbs omelette with fried green tomatoes

Two years ago: Tomato savory tart with oregano and Besan Ka Cheela (Indian pancakes)

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Aromatic herbs in October

Growing aromatic herbs


Author: Ancutza (URL)

Ciao Graziana, sono nuova a WHB e sto scoprendo con meraviglia le mie colleghe WHB . Complimenti per il tuo blog pieno di spunti per usare le aromatiche...e anche per scoprirle. Ho un piccolo orto di aromatiche sul mio balcone e sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove piantine...grazie per i consigli e buon we! Ancutza

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