Recipe: Bruschetta and roasted chilies with calamint sauce

Sandwiches and bruschetta with herbs
July 28, 2009

This is the last of the recipes from my chili pepper first harvest of the year.

CalamintI prepared an herb sauce for bruschetta with calamint, and used it to stuff some mild chilies: Trinidad Perfume, Jaloro and some Jalapeno Goliath.

Bruschetta and roasted chilies with calamint sauce

Bruschetta and roasted chilies with calamint sauce

1/2 cup calamint leaves
50g aged hard cheese
1 bunch of chives
2 tbsp olive oil
chilies, cherry tomatoes, bread slices

Mince calamint leaves, chives, cheese and olive oil with a blender until smooth.
Spread the sauce on bread slices.
Remove stems from the chilies, cut in half and stuff them with the calamint sauce.
Put the bruschetta, stuffed chilies and whole cherry tomatoes on a baking pan and grill-bake for 5-10 minutes.
Cut the tomatoes in half and put on the bruschetta.

Yellow chilies omelette with dandelionOther recipes from my first chili harvest of the year:

Yellow chilies omelette with dandelion
Green chilies with sesame paste
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