Recipe: Aromatic homemade gnocchi

Pasta with aromatic herbs
January 10, 2012

I wanted to give a twist to a soup, so I harvested some chives and prepared these quick homemade gnocchi.

Aromatic homemade gnocchi

Aromatic homemade gnocchi

60g all-purpose flour
40g grated Parmesan cheese
70ml milk
1/2 teaspoon instant yeast
10 leaves of chives

Mix the flour with the Parmesan cheese and chopped chives. Add the yeast dissolved in milk and mix well.
With a fork, pick up small amounts of dough (about 2 cm in diameter) and place them on a floured dish.
Bring to a boil your creamy soup.
Place the gnocchi into the soup gently and cook for 6-8 minutes, until they are cooked inside.

Soup with GnocchiI served the gnocchi with a pumpkin and yams soup, aromatized with my homemade Asian aromatic mixture.

One year ago: January gardening tips

Two years ago: Homemade Pav Bhaji masala

Souper SundaysThis goes to Deb from Kahakai Kitchen who's hosting the weekly event Souper Sundays.
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Author: Deb in Hawaii (URL)

This looks so creamy and hearty. I love the idea of using the gnocchi in the soup. Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays.

Author: brii (URL)

Che bella idea mettere i gnocchetti nella zuppa invece della solita pasta.
Mi piace moltissimo l idea..anche l evento è molto interessante.
hai ricevuto la mia mail di risposta?

Author: Claudia (URL)

Your gnocchi sound delicious. I have those garlic chives as well, so plan on making these.

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