WHB #285: Recap

30 maggio 2011

Thank you for all you delicious recipes and useful information!

This recap includes recipes from Australia, Canada, Greece, Italy, UK, USA and we will learn about arugula, Brussels sprouts, chives, garlic, lemon thyme, mango, mizuna, swiss chards, vineyard shoots.

Weekend Herb BloggingWeekend Herb Blogging is an event started by Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen and now handled by Haalo from Cook (almost) anything at least once.

More information:
WHB Rules
Who's Hosting WHB

Tropical Mango PieJanet of The Taste Space from Toronto, Canada, had some Alphonso mango and used them in a raw Tropical Mango Pie.

Spring Potato SaladKalinda of Wheat-Free Meat-Free from Chicago, IL USA, made Spring Potato Salad with chives from her parent's garden.

Baked mushrooms stuffed with triple-garlic risottoElly of Nutmegs, seven from Oxford, prepared Baked mushrooms stuffed with triple-garlic risotto with three different kind of garlic.

ArugulaTigerfish of Teczcape - an escape to food wrote the post Arugula: some salad greens are more equal than others with many interesting information about arugula.

Ampelokorfades Toursi (Pickled Vineyard Shoots)Ivy of Kopiaste to Greek Hospitality from Athens, Greece, bought some vineyard shoots at the market and prepared Ampelokorfades Toursi (Pickled Vineyard Shoots).

Roasted Shrimp with Lemon ThymePam of Sidewalk Shoes declared 2011 The Summer of My Herbs and prepared Roasted Shrimp with Lemon Thyme.

Lemon MadeleinesSue of You can do it... at home! writes from Melbourne, Australia, and teaches us how to prepare Lemon Madeleines, small sponge cakes flavoured with lemon.

Swiss chard with oil and lemonSimona of Briciole writes from Northern California and prepared Swiss chard with oil and lemon, one of my favourite light meals!

Spiced Stir-Fried SproutsThe handler of WHB, Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once cooked Spiced Stir-Fried Sprouts and provides us many useful information about Brussels sprouts.

Fried Rice with Mizuna and Sesame SeedsThis is my entry, Fried Rice with Mizuna and Sesame Seeds. I can't find mizuna here in Sicily, so I have grown it and it was worth the effort.

Brochette di prosciutto alla salvia
Un anno fa: Brochette di prosciutto alla salvia

Due anni fa: Pasta ai quattro formaggi con maggiorana
Potrebbe interessarvi...

Ricetta: Riso fritto con mizuna e sesamo

Riso e risotti alle erbe aromatiche

Gallery correlate


Autore: Ivy (URL)

Graziana, it was a pleasure meeting you through this event. Lovely round-up. I always love the diversity of recipes from WHB. :)
Hope to see you one day at my Creative Concoctions event where we are using olive oil but also giving away Greek olive oil.

Autore: janet (URL)

Lovely recap! I love all the greens featured this week. :)

Autore: Simona (URL)

Very nice roundup: interesting post titles and saw attractive photos. I will explore the details. Thanks, Graziana!

Autore: Kalinda (URL)

Your mizuna recipe has me intrigued. I ve never heard of mizuna before. I love exploring new foods though.

Thank you for hosting this week.

Autore: pam (URL)

great roundup!

Autore: Graziana

Thank you all, hosting WHB is always a pleasant experience

Autore: tigerfish (URL)

Thanks for the round up! I enjoyed reading it :)

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