WHB #271: Recap

21 febbraio 2011

Thank you for all you delicious recipes and useful information!

Weekend Herb BloggingWeekend Herb Blogging is an event started by Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen and now handled by Haalo from Cook (almost) anything at least once.

More information:
WHB Rules
Who's Hosting WHB
Weekly recaps for WHB

Avocado Overnight OatsJanet of The Taste Space from Toronto, Canada, has some leftovers avocado and use them in Avocado Overnight Oats, a great breakfast.

Roasted Pumpkin and Garlic Feta DipDaphne of More Than Words from Western Australia, teaches us how to prepare homemade dips like the Roasted Pumpkin and Garlic Feta Dip: healthy and delicious.

Chu Chee EggplantClaire of Chez Cayenne from Houston, Texas, USA, send us the recipe of Chu Chee Eggplant: eggplant battered with a curry sauce and filled... with whatever you want.

Millet Congee with Egg, Sweet Peas and Roasted PeanutsTigerfish of Teczcape - an escape to food will make you crave for millet with the Millet Congee with Egg, Sweet Peas and Roasted Peanuts.

Lampredotto in umido con i fagioliCristina of La cucina di Cristina, teaches us how to prepare the interesting Lampredotto (abomasum/tripe) with beans.

Orange Olive Oil CakeSoma of eCurry writes from Texas, and cooked Orange Olive Oil Cake, and provides us useful information about Navel Oranges.

Mixed Vegetable KachriSra of When My Soup Came Alive writes from India, and has some kachri powder from her recent trip to Rajasthan, that she used in the Mixed Vegetable Kachri. I sowed some kachri this year, now I'm really curious!

Lentils and farro soup with galangal flavourAcky of Ackyart writes from Rome, Italy and used galangal in the recipe Lentils and farro soup with galangal flavour, the perfect soup to enjoy during dinner, watching tv...

Tomato, Parmesan and Basil FlatbreadSue of You can do it... at home! writes from Melbourne, Australia, and shows us how to prepare Tomato, Parmesan and Basil Flatbread, with her homegrown tomatoes.

Greengage Plums JamThe handler of WHB, Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once spotted some Greengage Plums at the market and used them in a Greengage Plums Jam: the perfect breakfast!

Fennel, endive, apple and nuts salladBrii of Briiblog in english writes from Valsorda, Italy and prepared a delicious Fennel, endive, apple and nuts sallad, it looks like the perfect mix of winter vegetables.

Citrus & Pineapple Salad with Star AniseCinzia of Cindystar from Garda Lake, Italy, send us Citrus & Pineapple Salad with Star Anise, she also provides many useful information about pineapple.

Leek Savory Pie with GingerThis is my entry, Leek Savory Pie with Ginger. This savory pie is very easy, and we loved the leek-ginger combo.

Bode orange ChiliOne year ago:

Chili Peppers Reality Show
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Autore: cinzia (URL)

great recap, graziana, thanks again for hosting!
unfortunately my entry is missing but I have already sent you a new email with all details, hope everything will work correctly now!
have a nice week!

Autore: daphne (URL)

yum yum yum! veges are tasty for sure!! Thanks for hosting. :)

Autore: Acky (URL)

Ciao Graziana, scusami ma nn vedo la mia ricetta...nel link ke ti ho inviato in fondo c è la ricetta in inglese. Ovviamente nn ho tradotto tutto il commento sanremese...mi aggiungi? Grazie!

Autore: tigerfish (URL)

Thanks for the round up! ;)

Autore: janet (URL)

Lovely round-up, Graziana. :) Thanks for hosting this week.

Autore: Soma (URL)

Graziana thank you for this beautiful round up. thanks for hosting the event.

Autore: Graziana

Thank you all, I always enjoy to host WHB!
Cinzia e Acky: errore corretto, lo sapevo che qualcosa mi sfuggiva...

Autore: Haalo (URL)

Thank you Graziana - you ve done a wonderful job hosting both editions. There s always something surprising and something to learn each week.

Autore: Sra (URL)

Hi Graziana, sorry I haven t come around earlier - thanks for the nice round-up and the little notes for every entry!

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