Aromatic herbs and vegetables from pot to plate

Rooftop gardening
July 18, 2011

Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are ripening in large quantities, aubergines are ready and aromatic herbs are on their top. I harvest them a couple of times a week to avoid waste.

Tomato HarvestThe harvest of a few days ago.

On the left: a gherkin, Bear Claw and Lemon Plum tomatoes.
On the right: a White Wonder tomato and several Black Cherry tomatoes.

HarvestThis is the yesterday harvest.

Top: cucumbers, sweet peppers, rhubarb.
At the bottom: eggplants and carrots.
On the right: chards and sorrel.

Not in the picture, I also harvested beets, radish, lettuce.
The aromatic herbs harvest: basil lettuce leaf, thai basil, cinnamon basil, chives garlic, thyme, sage, chives, buck's-horn plantain, pennyroyal, dandelion flowers and buds.

Rainbow chards and rhubarb chards, purslane, sorrel, lettuce and dandelion: 70g
Aubergines: 430g
Tomatoes, gherkins, bell peppers: 570 Kg
Chilies: 100g

Total: 1170 g (2.5 pounds)

This harvest joins to Harvest Mondays

HarvestI served many of these vegetables raw without seasoning: besides the mentioned tomatoes and gherkin, you see a round and yellow Lemon Cucumber and the small peppers Purple Beauty and Sweet Chocolate.

Dandelion and purslane saladAll greens and some herbs became a colourful salad.

Dandelion, chards and purslane salad
70g of mixed vegetables: tender rainbow chards, sorrel, purslane, lettuce, dandelion flowers and buds, buck's-horn plantain
2 small beets
1 radish
1 tbsp vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil

Walnuts and dates breadTwo years ago:

Walnuts and dates bread

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Rooftop gardening


Author: Allison (URL)

Your salad sounds interesting....I keep meaning to try some Purslane!

Author: accantoalcamino (URL)

Ci sarò :-)

Author: Daphne (URL)

Nice harvest. I love the color on the Black Cherries. I m growing that variety too, but they aren t nearly as pretty.

Author: Alessandra (URL)

Ciao, prima di tutto che bel blog, sono vegetariana quindi mangio quasi solo verdure e qui c e tanta roba bella da leccare lo schermo!

Poi, per il WHB cosa devo fare? Non vedo le istruzioni qui e non ho capito dove sono, posso sempre copiarle da Brii, ma dove le mando? I miei blog sono in inglese ma la settimana scorsa ho partecipato per la prima volta alla raccolta italiana.

Ultima domanda (scusa, poi ti lascio in pace :-) ho tre blogs, posso mandare ricette da tutti pur che metta il logo e links??

Ciao e grazie

Author: Graziana

Ciao Alessandra, certamente puoi mandare ricette da tutti e tre i blog o più ricette da uno solo, poi mandale a scrivi[at]erbeincucina[dot]it, indicando i tuoi dati e quelli della ricetta/e.

Author: accantoalcamino (URL)

Ciao Graziana, eccomi, tardi tardi :-)

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