Picnic recipes with aromatic herbs

Growing aromatic herbs
September 05, 2011

I wanted to organize a classic style picnic, with a soft blanket placed on a green lawn, the food carried with a wicker basket... and a thermos of hot tea, which may not be so classic but it's a must for me.

Picnic recipes with aromatic herbs

Picnic recipes with aromatic herbs

I harvested fresh herbs in the garden (and some juniper berries in the woods nearby), and I prepared a picnic with aromatic herbs.

Courgette omelette with aromatic herbs1. Courgette omelette with aromatic herbs

2 eggs
1 courgette
3 tbsp flour
1 tsp fresh aromatic herbs , minced : basil, parsley, sage, rosemary (or 1/2 tsp if dried)

Beat the eggs, finely chop the zucchini and mix all ingredients.
Prepare an omelette, cut into diamonds and place them in a bowl.

Sandwiches with thyme and onion2. Sandwiches with thyme and onion

Prepare small sandwiches with slices of wholemeal bread, tomato, Taleggio cheese, thin slices of onion and fresh thyme.

Bresaola Rolls with juniper3. Bresaola rolls with juniper

Stuff bresaola slices with a piece of feta cheese, 2 juniper berries and some carrot shavings. Roll them and place on a tray.

Dark basil sandwiches4. Dark basil sandwiches

Cut slices of sandwiches bread in triangles and stuff them with fresh caciotta, ham, tomato slices and fresh dark opal basil.

Roasted zucchini with mint5. Roasted zucchini with mint

Cut a zucchini into slices and roast them.
Put a taleggio dice, a slice of tomato and few mint leaves on a zucchini slice. Close with another slice of roasted zucchini.

Anchovies and parsley sandwich6. Anchovies and parsley sandwich

Prepare small sandwiches with wholemeal bread spread with mayonnaise, anchovies, tomato slices and parsley leaves. Close and garnish with mayonnaise.

PicnicBring also a bowl of vegetables cut into pieces and some sliced ​​salami or ham...

Picnic...put everything on a platter, do not forget paper towels, drinks and glasses...

Picnic..and enjoy the day!

Rosemary flowers
One year ago: Rosemary flowers

Three years ago: Cayenne Ring of Fire

This goes to Briciole who's hosting Weekend Herb Blogging, handled by Cook (almost) anything at least once.
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Author: Simona (URL)

I know I would start with the bresaola roll, but then of course I will want a taste of everything: what a delicious picnic menu! Thanks for contributing it to WHB.

Author: fragoliva (URL)

Io adoro i pic nic... quando ero bambina, se la mia famiglia organizza un pic nic, o veniva invitato ad un pranzo sul prato, per me era sempre festa grande. Vedere le tue proposte mi riempie di entusiasmo, quasi quasi propongo ad amici e familiari un ben pic nic :-D

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