Recipe: Speck ham vol-au-vent with marjoram
The 20 appetizers lunch
June 03, 2010
Although the puff pastry recipes are perfect for a lunch of appetizers, I suggest to prepare only two or three of them, because they can give satiety... You do not want your guests to forgo the last courses!
This is the 17th recipe from the 20 appetizers lunch.

Speck ham vol-au-vent with marjoram
8 vol-au-vent
50g cooked peas
50g speck ham, diced
4 tbsp Grana Padano or Parmesan, grated
4 tbsp single cream
1 tsp marjoram
Mix the single cream with the parmesan and the marjoram.
Put peas and speck ham in the vol-au-vent, then cover with the marjoram sauce.
Bake for 5-10 minutes and serve hot.

One year ago: Spices and herbs seed harvest
Two years ago: Sukiyaki
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