Announcing It's a Vegan World - Indian

01 settembre 2009

ItI always loved indian food, and having the honor to host an edition of It's a Vegan World I had no doubt: it must be the Indian edition.

I've been in India a couple of years ago, and I can't forget the colorful markets and the food stalls everywhere. India is a larger and various country, and there are so many things to say about it that I'll let the pictures talk.

JaipurThe Taj Mahal
The Jaipur BazaarThe Jaipur Bazaar
Bread makingDelhi: Tuktuk

Indian cuisine is one of the most various and interesting of the world, and I always admire it for the way the most simple -and often humble- ingredients are mixed together creating tasty, aromatic and complex dishes.

Many Indian traditional dishes are already vegan, but the Indian cuisine is really easy to veganize. Choose a recipe from one of the many traditional Indian dishes and join It's a Vegan World: Indian.

--- Here are the guidelines for IAVW: Indian ---

-The deadline is September 30, 2009.

-This is a Vegan event, so please remember that these foods are not allowed: honey, milk-based products (butter, cheese, ghee, milk, yogurt...), eggs, gelatin, and, of course, meats, fish or seafood. Vegan meat or cheese substitutes are fine.

-The recipe should be cooked for this event.

-Link back to this announcement, and feel free to use the logo.

-Link also to Vaishali's event announcement page.

-Non-bloggers are also very welcome. Just send me your recipe and a picture.

-As for bloggers, send me an email with your post to scrivi[at] Include these details:

Your name
Blog name
Post url
Photograph (any size)

Have fun!

--- It's a Vegan World - Indian: Round up ---
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Ricetta: Besan ka cheela (Crepes indiane)

Crepes, pancakes e tortillas alle erbe e spezie

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Autore: Vaishali (URL)

What lovely pictures, Graziana, especially of those foodstuffs and spices. Thank you for hosting IAVW this month-- and what a delicious choice of cuisine, although I must say I m biased :)

Autore: mangocheeks (URL)

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Graziana.

It s my first visit here, so I will be having a good nosy round.

I am looking forward to participating in this event. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Autore: Graziana

Thank you Vaishali and welcome here mangocheeks!

Autore: Kanchan (URL)

Hello, just sent you an entry for this event ! Hope you have received it !

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