Recipe: Pasta with almond pesto

Pasta with aromatic herbs
July 29, 2008

I grew garlic for the first time this year, but I only got single-clove plants.
They're small, but taste really good.

HarvestIn the picture you can see one of these cloves, with thai basil and rosemary, all used in this pasta recipe.

Pasta with almond pesto

Pasta with almond pesto

Serves six:
250g peeled almonds
2 sprig of thai basil (or other basil variety)
1 sprig of rosemary
2 clove garlic
10 sun-dried tomatoes in oil
100g grated parmesan
4 tbsp. Olive oil
500g pasta pennette rigate

Grind the almonds finely with the basil, rosemary, sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. Add the olive oil, grated parmesan and mix well.
Cook pennette rigate in a large pot of boiling salted water, drain them well and season with the almond pesto.

Tip #1: how to skin the almonds.
Pour boiling water over the almonds in a pot and set it aside for five minutes. Drain off the water and slip the skins off by squeezing the almonds.

Pasta al fornoTip #2: what you can do with leftovers.
Drop half pasta in a baking pan, cover with firm cheese of your choice, sliced, then drop the remaining pasta.
Sprinkle with grated parmesan and breadcrumbs.
Bake until golden brown.

Pesto ideasPesto ideas: recipes with classic pesto alla genovese, tips and ideas for pesto with other aromatic herbs.

I am entering this in Presto Pasta Nights, an event hosted this week by its founder, Ruth of Once Upon A Feast.
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Author: Ruth (URL)

It looks wonderful, even if the garlic looks more like spring onions. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. I hope to see your dishes here often.

Author: Gay (URL)

This looks like a great pasta dish, rather unique for me as well.

Author: Mauri (URL)

...complimenti per il tuo blog!anch io amo le erbe aromatiche,stanno bene anche inserite in giardino con le loro fioriture...Mauri

Author: naturewitch (URL)

What a great pesto recipe! I love the way you use almonds instead of pine nuts. It can be hard to get good quality pine nuts here at times, so I ll definitely be trying this version. xx

Author: Ettore Baldarellis

... il pesto di mandorle è di per se un condimento ristretto e piuttosto stopposo, infornare la pasta alla fine la renderebbe dura e immangiabile

Author: Graziana

Ciao Ettore, probabilmente usi una ricetta stopposa, prova questa!

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