Recipe: Parsnip and Welsh onion soup

Soups with aromatic herbs
April 01, 2013

ParsnipI finally harvested a nice bunch of parsnips from my rooftop. This year I chose the variety Guernsey, with shorter and thick roots, very sweet and fragrant.

Welsh onionI also harvested the last Welsh onions sown last spring. In Italy it's called winter onion, because it grows during autumn, to be harvested during the winter. It has a strong taste, and I prefer to consume after a quick cooking rather than raw.

This harvest joins to Harvest Mondays.

With these two freshly harvested ingredients, along with celery and robiola I created a delicate and tasty vegetable soup.

Parsnip and Welsh onion soup

Parsnip and Welsh onion soup

Serves two:
100g parsnips
2 small potatoes
2 Welsh (or spring) onions
2 stalks of celery
1 clove of garlic
750ml water
robiola (or cottage cheese)

Cut the celery into thin slices, peel and dice the potatoes and peel and slice parsnips.
Place in a pot with water and the minced garlic and bring to a boil.
Add the spring onions cut into chunks and cook for 10-15 minutes, until the vegetables are very tender.
Season with salt.
Puree the vegetables in the food processor, adding all or part of the broth in which they were cooked.
Place into bowls and garnish with the cheese.

Crepes Pie with Pancetta and RosemaryTwo years ago:

Crepes Pie with Pancetta and Rosemary

Five years ago: Spontaneous chamomille

Souper SundaysThis goes to Deb from Kahakai Kitchen who's hosting the weekly event Souper Sundays.
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Author: Barbie (URL)

Your soup looks lovely.

Author: tasty travels (URL)

Pretty produce and your soup looks delicious!!

Author: Deb in Hawaii (URL)

I am not familiar with Welsh onions but I like the looks of them. ;-) The soup looks creamy and delicious--thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays.

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