Announcing Healing Foods - Capsicum (Chilies and Bell Peppers)

31 marzo 2010

There are so many Capsicum varieties in the world that it's impossible to knew them all.
From the nuclear hot Habanero (Capsicum Chinense) to the famous Tabasco (Capsicum Frutescens) or Jalapeno, to many sweet bell peppers (Capsicum Annuum) of different shapes and colours, and don't forget the Paprika!

Chili Shapes and Colours

All Capsicum have also many healing properties, have a look at these interesting sites:
Medicinal properties in whole foods: the Capsicum fruit
The Healing Properties of Chilies

Healing Foods ChiliesAs a chili grower, having the opportunity to host an edition of the Healing Foods Event, I immediately choose the Capsicum.
This event was started by Siri.

Guidelines for the event:

1. Create any dish using Capsicum and post the same in your blog. You could use any variety of Chilies or Bell Peppers.
Non-Bloggers can send their recipes with the details mentioned below to the same email address.

2. Please link this announcement in your posts. Also link to Siri's blog. Usage of the logo is optional.

3. Multiple entries are more than welcome - more the merrier!

4. Send your details:
-Recipe URL
-Photo (any size, optional)
to scrivi[at] before April 30th 2010, midnight.

5. You can send previously blogged entries, provided they are re-posted!

IAVWThis month I'm also hosting:

It's a Vegan World - French
Potrebbe interessarvi...

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