Growing Chili Peppers

(Ita) Peperone Golden California Wonder


Melrose chili pepper
Chili Pepper Files
Melrose is a Annuum chili pepper, that produces sweet pods with thin but tasty pulp. Melrose (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Sweet Taste/flavour: Aromatic Wall thickness:...

Vizcaino chili pepper
Chili Pepper Files
Vizcaino is a Annuum chili pepper, with big sweet pods that can be harvested green or ripe. Vizcaino (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Sweet Taste/flavour: Bell-pepper-like,...

King of the North chili flower
The surprising flowers
This King of the North chili flower is fading and already showing the small pod inside: it's a sweet variety, shaped like a small bell pepper, crispy and tasty. The...

Zavory Chili
Chili Pepper Files
Zavory is a Chinense chili, but milder then Habanero. Zavory (Capsicum Chinense) Heat: Mild Taste/flavour: Fruity Wall thickness: Fleshy Plant productivity:...

2011 Chili and vegetables harvests
Harvest Chili Peppers
This is the time of year when the crops are limited, but the young plants have already been born, full of promise of harvests to come. So every year I look at my pictures of the...

Chili and vegetables winter harvest
Rooftop gardening
Every winter my chili plants on the rooftop give me the last harvest: they are few pods, mild and not so beautiful as summer ones, but it always feels like a little...

Spanish chilies
Chilies around the world
I really enjoyed Barcelona markets, the famous La Boqueria and all the street markets with many exotic fruits and vegetables that I can't find in Italy... and also many different...

The collector's garden: Black chilies
The collector's garden
Many chili growers love black ornamental chilies, this is my collection. Aussie Black Black and green leaves, purple flowers, pods that ripe from black to dark red. Black...

Senise chili
Chili Pepper Files
Senise is a bell pepper from Basilicata, Italy, fleshy and sweet. Senise (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Sweet Taste/flavour: Bell-pepper-like Wall thickness: Medium Plant...

My chilies from previous years
Growing chili peppers
All the chilies sown this year are still very small and slow to recover from transplanting, while my old chili plants are filling me with pride. Numex Suave Orange is my...

The collector's garden: A rainbow of Habanero
The collector's garden
Habaneros are hot chili, famous all world wide. There are many different Habaneros, different in colour but similar in hotness (from about 300,000 Scoville Units). Standard...

Fresno chili
Chili Pepper Files
Fresno is an Annuum hot chili, similar to Jalapeno in shape but bigger and crispier. Fresno (Capsicum Anuuum) Heat: Hot Taste/flavour: Aromatic Wall thickness: Fleshy and...

(Ita) Il problema dei cotiledoni imprigionati


The collector's garden: Jalapeno for everyone
The collector's garden
Jalapeño is one of the most famous and used chilies. They are usually harvested unripe, when they show the corks. Jalapeno Classic Jalapeno pods are about 6 cm long, with...

A chili seed tale
Growing chili peppers
I tell this tale to encourage all the chili growers: chilies are strong plants, and they will surprise you! Last month I sowed some chili seeds on scottex paper, as showed in...

Rawit chili
Chili Pepper Files
Rawit is a Frutescens chili pepper, probably from Indonesia. It produces many hot pods which ripe slowly from green to red. Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens) Heat: Very...

Chili peppers harvests in 2010
Harvest Chili Peppers
In February I usually harvest the last chilies from my plants, and I like to create the collage picture of all chili harvest. Last season I harvested more than 1000 pods,...

January gardening tips: Indoor sowing
Rooftop gardening
The exciting time of the indoor sowing is arrived: I have chosen many different chili peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers and other vegetables. This is my 2011 sowing:...

All 2010 chilies
Growing chili peppers
During 2010 I tried new chili varieties: mild chilies, black and ornamental, but also some new Habanero. Aji Benito (Capsicum Baccatum) Mild, ripens from green to red, 5cm...

Czechoslovakian Black chili flower
The surprising flowers
Czechoslovakian Black is an ornamental dark chili plant, with little pod that ripe from black to red. This December flower really amazed me. The surprising flowers: flowers...

Pimento Piquillo chili
Chili Pepper Files
Pimento Piquillo is an Annuum chili pepper, with delicious big pepper-shaped pods. Pimento Piquillo (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Mild Taste/flavour: Bell-pepper-like Wall...

Autumn chili peppers
Growing chili peppers
These Piri Piri Algarve under the rain look sooo autumnal and sad... ...but a sunny day can give to the chili a summer look! Jamy are ripening, I can't wait to prepare the...

My 2010 ornamental chili peppers
Growing chili peppers
The ornamental chili plants begin to lose their leaves: I hope they will last until Christmas, like the last year winter chilies but it's definitely time for a...

Chili peppers reality show: the secrets revealed
Chili peppers reality show
A couple of months ago, I choose some chili plants to follow on the blog, for an ironical Chili Peppers Reality Show. Finally all the plants are showing results, and I can...

Chili peppers harvests
Harvest Chili Peppers
Back from my holidays, I found out that all my plants survived, and that many chili were ready to be harvested. More than 1 Kg of pods... I gave them, stored them (see Storing...

Cascabel chili flower
The surprising flowers
Chilies have small flowers, that can be appreciated in pictures. The surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and spontaneous herbs. One year...

A walk between my chili plants
Growing chili peppers
Every year I enjoy using my chili peppers in many recipes... but I also enjoy to walk between the plants, watching the flowers and the ripening pods. This Carmine chili is one...

Chili peppers first pods
Chili peppers reality show
The seven chili plants from my Chili Peppers Reality Show now have flowers and pods. Banana Sweet - The sweet one The Banana Sweet had its first flowers and pods. However,...

Chili de Onza
Chili Pepper Files
Chili de Onza is an Annuum, and has brown pods with licorice overtones. Chili de Onza (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Mild Taste/flavour: Aromatic Wall thickness: Thin Plant...

(Ita) L'allegagione dei peperoncini


Chili peppers after transplanting
Chili peppers reality show
The seven chili plants from my Chili Peppers Reality Show have been transplanted. Frida Black - The mysterious one I called the Frida Black mysterious because I can't find any...

The chili peppers are in the right place!
Growing chili peppers
I finally transplanted all my chili peppers. These are Fresno and Aji Pineapple. A mascot owl watches over the pot with my dark chili plants: you can see the Frida Black in...

(Ita) Utilizzare i peperoncini verdi


Repotting the growing chilies
Chili peppers reality show
I already told you of my idea, ironically called Chili Peppers Reality Show. After a month, most of the chili plants are outside. All my chilies are growing slowly this year, but...

Habanero Chocolate chili
Chili Pepper Files
Habanero Chocolate is a Chinense chili pepper. Don't let the chocolate colour fool you: they're really hot. Habanero Chocolate (Capsicum Chinense) Heat:...

Watching the little dark chili plants
Growing chili peppers
Many chili growers love the dark plants: some are ornamental ones, that mature from black to many bright different colours, and there are some cooking chilies, that mature from...

Chili peppers reality show
Growing chili peppers
This year I've got many new chili seeds, so I decided to abandon some old varieties like Shishito and Hot Lemon, to let room to the new ones. I choose seven new varieties to...

Chili last harvest
Harvest Chili Peppers
My chili plants are dying, and it's pointless to keep them in the pots any more. I'm using my lasagna gardening in the pots technique to prepare the pots for the new plants. I...

Jamaican Red Hot Chili
Chili Pepper Files
Jamaican Red Hot is a Chinense chili pepper, with amazing red pointed pods. Jamaican Red Hot (Capsicum Chinense) Heat: Very Hot Taste/flavour: Aromatic Wall thickness:...

Thai Orange Chili
Chili Pepper files
Thai Orange is a Annuum chili pepper, with orange long pods. Thai Orange (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Hot Taste/flavour: Not remarkable Wall thickness: Thin Plant productivity:...

Chili pepper 2009 harvests
Harvest Chili Peppers
Last year chili plants still have some ripening pods, but I create anyway the group picture of my 2009 chili harvests. From the first, few green pods for some recipes, to the...

Chili sowing, 2: newborn plants
Growing chili peppers
Many chilies from the December sowing are sprouted, and some of them proudly show the first true leaves, like the Bulgarian Carrot in the picture. The young chili plants need...

Chili sowing
Growing chili peppers
Every year I use the scottex paper method for the chili sowing. This method can be used also for bell peppers, tomatoes, aubergines. Take an ice-cream box, clean and disinfect...

Winter chili peppers on the catwalk
My 400th post
A guest admired my ornamental chilies, telling me that it's interesting to take note of how they look during winter, because the ones with pods and leaves are a spot of colour in...

Winter chilies
Growing chili peppers
I'm surprised by this Numex Big Jim chili plant, with the last -almost ripe- pod. It seems like the plant decided that the upper branches were destined to die, so it kept the pod...

Chili peppers during winter
Growing chili peppers
The chili plants face the autumn: the leaves become yellow and fall, pods are ripening slowly, and are smaller and milder than summer ones. This Habanero White pods are still...

Black Pearl chili
Chili Pepper Files
Black Pearl is an ornamental chili pepper, with black leaves and pearl shaped pods, that ripe from a black to dark red. Black Pearl (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Hot Taste/flavour:...

Autumn chilies
Growing chili peppers
The chilies on my balcony are still kissed by the sun, and they don't seem to know that it's autumn. This Large Cherry plant didn't produce many pods, but they're hot and...

Chili Pepper Files
Growing chili peppers
Chili Pepper Files are informative posts about the chili peppers that I grown. This post is meant to be an index for this chili database. Capsicum Chinense Habanero...

All 2009 chilies
Growing chili peppers
Chilies season isn't finished yet, but I already harvested them all and I can post my 2009 growing list. Aji Yellow (Capsicum Baccatum) Mildly hot, ripens from green to dark...

It's raining on chili peppers
Harvest Chili Peppers
Look this Peruvian Collnew chili pepper, with rain drops, under a grey sky... autumn seems nearly arrived. Read also: Chilies on the catwalk Hot rice salad...

(Ita) Semi di rocoto e altri pubescens


Black ornamental peppers, 2
Growing chili peppers
An updating about my black ornamental chilies, that are growed since my last post about them. The Black Pearl is amazing, with its black leaves and small round pods, shaped...

Who loves the Black Scorpion Tongue?
Harvest Chili Peppers
My Black Scorpion Tongue is one of my favourite ornamental peppers, with its white and purple flowers and its small dark pods. As you can see, I'm not the only one to love...

(Ita) Coltivare i peperoncini


Chili peppers: the first 2009 harvest
Harvest Chili Peppers
Until now I harvested one chili at a time, when they were ready. This is the first chili peppers harvest. From the top: Jalapeno Goliath, Hot Jim Hybrid, Numex...

Watching chili peppers ripe
Growing Chili Peppers
I like to watch chili peppers ripe, and take many pictures. Chinense like this Carmine Pepper ripe gradually. Carmine pepper ripe from bright green to orange. Serrano and...

Chili peppers are growing
Growing Chili Peppers
Many chili pepper plants sowed in winter are full of ripening pods. Trinidad Perfume is a Capsicum Chinense, like Habanero, but it should be mild, with the tipical fruity...

My first Numex Sunglo chilies
Rooftop gardening
My chili peppers are doing great, and many plants are full with unripe pods. This Numex Sunglo is late, but its first small pod is really cute! Read also the post:...

Chili peppers harvests in 2008
Harvest Chili Peppers
The first chili peppers just started to grow, so I'm posting a picture of last year's harvests, from July to December. About 1500g, incredible colors, many recipes and good...

Last year chili peppers
Growing Chili Peppers
Many chili plants survived the winter. I adopted different solutions for them, and I'm trying to figure which is the best. I left the Pasilla Bajio outside all winter long. It...

Good company: chilies, cats and bugs
Rooftop gardening
I was on the rooftop to water the plants, and I found this incredible guest, a bug lying under the sun. Another guest lies near the pots. Hey neighborhood cat, I know that you...

Black ornamental chilies
Growing chili peppers
This year I'm growing many dark chilies plants. They haven't bloomed yet, but their leaves makes them already interesting. This is Traviata pepper from azienda Stuard (Italy),...

Pepper repotting
Growing Chili Peppers
My pepper plants are big enough to face the outside world. I took them outside, and after a few weeks I will repot them in bigger pots or transplant to the final...

Young plants: Jalapeno
Growing chili peppers
I'm growing four Jalapeno varieties this year: classic, Goliath, Master and Jaloro. This is a classic Jalapeno plant with its first true leaves. Read also: The...

Peppers first buds
Growing chili peppers
Some of my pepper plants are outdoor, and they started to show some buds. This is a plant of Primo Sweet, it will produce sweet orange peppers, resembling little bell...

(Ita) I peperoncini in inverno


(Ita) Peperoncini: seconda produzione autunnale


Autumn Serrano peppers
Growing chili peppers
My Serrano plants produced only flowers during the summer. Finally the first pods appeared, maybe because of the lower temperatures: never say never! It's autumn, and they will...

Inca Red Drop Chili
Chili Pepper Files
Inca Red Drop is a Baccatum chili pepper, with red, fleshy, hot, small pods Inca Red Drop (Capsicum Baccatum) Heat: Hot Taste/flavour: Slightly fruity Wall thickness:...

Black Prince Chili
Chili Pepper files
The Black Prince is a dark ornamental plant, with black leaves and small pods that ripen from black to glossy red. Highly recommended. Black Prince (Capsicum Annuum) Heat:...

Cayenne with white and purple flowers
Growing chili peppers
My pepper plants are blooming again, and this morning I noticed my Cayenne Ring of Fire is acting strange. I checked, but it's the same plant: lower branches are producing...

Hail on Jalapenos
Growing chili peppers
My Jalapenos are having a bad year... Read also: The collector's garden: Jalapeno for everyone Jalapeno recipes...

Red Devil Chili
Chili Pepper files
Red Devil is a cayenne-like chili pepper, with big pods that can be easily dried or consumed fresh. Red Devil (Capsicum Annuum) Heat: Hot Taste/flavour: Not remarkable Wall...

All 2008 chilies
Growing chili peppers
Let's take a look at my 2008 chili growing list. Aji amarillo (Capsicum Baccatum) Mild, ripens from yellow to bright orange, 9-10 cm long. More details and a recipe: Peruvian...

Cayenne Ring of Fire Chili
Chili Pepper files
The Cayenne Ring of Fire is a hot, short cayenne chili pepper. The plant will produce an incredible number of pods, that will ripe earlier than other chilies. It can be easily...

Peter Pepper Red Chili
Chili Pepper files
Mainly known for its peculiar shape, the Peter Pepper Red is a tasty chili, mild and fleshy, that can be eaten green or ripe. Peter Pepper Red (Capsicum Annuum) Heat:...

Jalapeño Chili
Chili Pepper files
Jalapeño is an Annuum chili pepper, red when ripe that can be harvested green. It's very tasty and used in many recipes all over the world. Jalapeño (Capsicum Annuum) Heat:...

Flowers on pepper plants
Growing chili peppers
I had to wait, but the Cherry Pepper flowers are really pretty. You can see why I call Mazzetto (Small bouquet) this plant. How many flowers and pods on the same node can...

Chilies on the catwalk
My 100th post!
For the 100th post of this blog, let the chili pepper plants talk. Read also: Storing chili peppers Fiery recipes...

Chilies first harvest
Harvest Chili Peppers
It's harvest time for chili peppers: this is my first harvest. The Mushroom Hybrid (I named it Hot Jim) really surprised us: it's fleshy and hot, and it tastes like a bell...

Chilies, the blooming part two
Growing Chili Peppers
Many pepper plants are producing pods and I harvested many of them, but I still love to take pictures of their tiny flowers. ...

The first Jalapeño
Harvest Chili Peppers
This is the pepper pod I was waiting for, a small Jalapeno 2 mm long. I can't wait to eat it! Read also: The collector's garden: Jalapeno for everyone Jalapeno...

Peppers are ripening!
Harvest Chili Peppers
Look carefully through the leaves... the first Cayenne Ring of fire has turned red! This is an Hungarian Yellow Wax, I should harvest it when it was yellow, but I choose to...

Late chili transplanting
Growing chili peppers
Feeling guilty, I show you a picture of five pepper plants. I should transplant them two months ago, but I leave them in a small pot until today. A hundred plants are too many,...

My first Habanero pods
Growing chili peppers
I was sighing because none of my Chinense pepper plants had pods, but looking under the leaves of a plant I found two well hidden surprises. They're Habanero Red: they're my...

First pepper pods, part 2
Harvest Chili Peppers
Pepper pods that I forget last time: Bulgarian Carrot Explosive Ember Yellow Cedrino Read also: Storing chili peppers Fiery recipes...

First chili pepper pods
Harvest Chili Peppers
Taking a look at the chili pepper plants, I had some nice surprises: They're not the only ones! I'll promise more photos... Black Prince, my favourite ornamental...

Winter sowing dates - Chili Peppers
Growing chili peppers
All chilies are ready to be transplanted. Let's look at them, from Aji Amarillo to Vizcaino. My chili pepper's germination times: Capsicum Baccatum Aji Amarillo 5-7-8...

Chili peppers transplanting day
Growing chili peppers
This Sunday I transplanted my plants in the garden. These are all my chilies for a group photo. Don't let my cat's tired expression foolish you: she didn't help at...

(Ita) Habanero White alla riscossa


Chili repotting time
Growing Chili Peppers
Two weeks ago I brought out some pepper plants grown indoor. They have lost some leaves but they still look fine. On the right, in plastic glasses: Poblano, Cayenne Hybrid,...

Numex Twilight meets ladybug
Growing chili peppers
It was raining all through the night and morning. The chili pepper plants that I had brought out have tasted their first rain drops. This afternoon there was a welcomed...

Chili peppers group photo
Growing chili peppers
All my (almost 150) pepper plants are indoor, waiting for the spring. A group photo of the autumn plants. They look like a small forest now. The Hungarian Yellow Wax, a...

(Ita) Un Rocoto e un Habanero: Pubescent vs. Chinense


(Ita) Coltivazione fuori stagione: un peperoncino a sorpresa


(Ita) Peperoncini indoor, 2: nascita


(Ita) Peperoncini indoor, 1: semina


(Ita) Coltivazione fuori stagione: peperoncini fioriti a Gennaio


(Ita) Habanero in coltura protetta


(Ita) Peperoncini: un nuovo hobby


Today's picture:

Tex-mex soup with cilantro
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