Recipe: Gnocchi with sorrel and sunflower pesto

Pasta with aromatic herbs
June 29, 2011

AcetosaSorrel has exceeded all my expectations: grown in a small container, it gives me continuous and abundant harvests, its leaves are very tasty and can be used with everything: chicken, fish, sandwiches, pasta.

I wanted to prepare a sorrel pesto, using -since I was in the mood for new ideas- sunflower seeds instead of pine nuts. I served with this quick pasta dish, but I used also on canapes and couscous salads. I think I will prepare it again soon.

Gnocchi with sorrel and sunflower pesto

Gnocchi with sorrel and sunflower pesto

40g sorrel
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp parmesan cheese
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tbsp almond
100ml single cream
500g gnocchi

Blend the sorrel leaves and stems with olive oil, possibly adding another tablespoon of oil (or water for a lighter pesto).
When the sorrel becomes creamy add Parmesan cheese, sunflower seeds and almonds and blend again. In a pan heat the single cream and let it thicken for a few minutes. Remove from heat and add the pesto sorrel.
Cook the gnocchi in boiling salted water and season with sorrel pesto.

Pesto ideasPesto ideas: recipes with classic pesto alla genovese, tips and ideas for pesto with other aromatic herbs.

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One year ago: Caramelized onions with basil

Two years ago: Mediterranean chicken kebabs and Nachos pink dip with Jalapenos

Three years ago: Late transplanting

I am entering this in Presto Pasta Nights, hosted by Once Upon A Feast.
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Author: Ruth (URL)

I guess now I have a reason to try sorrel - one of the few herbs I ve done without. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. It s always fun when you do.

Author: eugenia (URL)

Ho appena scoperto il tuo blog e ti faccio i complimenti per come viene trattato l argomento erbe in cucina . Sono anch io un appassionata del genere e coltivo in giardino numerose varieta di erbe aromatiche, compresa l acetosa, che e sopravvissuta ottimamente al freddo invernale e a queste recentissime nevicate. Mi piace molto l idea di utilizzarla per un pesto con cui condire la pasta. Ti ringrazio. A presto

Author: Graziana

Ciao Eugenia, l acetosa mi piace molto e è sempre resistentissima, quest anno ne proverò una versione con foglie venate di rosso, tanto per avere un tocco di colore in più.
Complimenti per il tuo sito ricco di ricette interessantissime!

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