Saving nigella seeds
Saving seeds
June 21, 2010
Sometimes growing a plant is problematic and disappointing: seeds that doesn't sprout, plants that die young or don't bloom, pests, wind...
None of this has happened with nigella (or black cumin): I put a seed in the ground, and that was all.
The plant has become about 40 cm high, with 2-3 cm wide white flowers.
The flowers generated the pods and then the plant died.
Harvest the nigella seeds was simple, I just crushed the pods.
Nigella seeds are used as a spice, have a nice onion flavor with a fruity aftertaste, and are typically used on bread, but also sandwiches, salads and pickles.
Nigella (black cumin) recipes
One year ago:
Cumin and cheese biscuits
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