Cat's Claw (Capsicum Annuum)

Cat's Claw Chilies: all recipes

Photo Gallery

Ripe Cat's Claw chili pods - August 30, 2010
Peperoncini Cat's Claw maturi / Ripe Cat's Claw chili pods

Unripe Cat's Claw chili pod - July 24, 2010
Peperoncino Cat's Claw non ancora maturo / Unripe Cat's Claw chili pod

Cat's Claw chili flower and buds - July 15, 2010
Fiore e boccioli di peperoncino Cat's Claw  / Cat's Claw chili flower and buds

Newborn Cat's Claw chili pepper plant - January 06, 2010
Peperoncino Cat's Claw appena nato / Newborn Cat's Claw chili pepper plant

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