Pennyroyal flowers

The surprising flowers
July 06, 2012

I sowed pennyroyal two years ago, and every summer since then it reborns in my pots on the balcony. I use it fresh in many dishes and dried for my mint tea.

Pennyroyal flowers

It has small pink flowers, which fade within a few days.

The surprising flowersThe surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and spontaneous herbs.

Aromatic Herbs in JulyOne year ago: Aromatic Herbs in July

Two years ago: Chili Peppers Reality Show: Chili peppers first pods

Three years ago: Pears and carrots from my garden

Four years ago: June gardening tips: Aromatic Herbs, blooming

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Author: Alessandra (URL)

Buonissima la mentuccia! L adoro...e credo proprio che l anno prossimo entrerà a far parte delle mie piante :)
Mi sei stata d ispirazione e ho iniziato anch io un blog: Se ti va di darmi qualche consiglio è ben accetto! Ti seguirò molto attentamente d ora in poi!

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