Spring harvests

Harvest and Store
April 02, 2012

The spring was early this year, and the plants are already well developed at the beginning of April. So I hade the the first spring harvests and last winter ones.

BorageI harvested some borage flowers for my flower tea. I prepare a tea mixture every year, adding new flowers when ready: wild clover, cinnamon basil...

Herbal teas recipes

CressI sowed garden cress during winter, and finally I got the first harvest.
I used it for a creamy cress and shallot soup.

Chards and sorrelTwo months ago I cooked a Rooftop Vegetables Omelette with my last sorrel, rhubarb chards and rainbow chards.
After only two months they are ready to be harvested for a fresh salad.

Brussels sproutsI took a picture of this amazing harvest of Brussels sprouts: they are few and tiny, but delicious.

I forget to take some pictures of my last winter carrots: some purple and red ones. You can see some previous pictures in the post colored carrots.

Chili peppers transplanting dayFour years ago:

Chili peppers transplanting day

This goes to Harvest Mondays.

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Author: Daphne (URL)

Those are the cutest little sprouts. And I grow borage, but never harvest from it. I have very rarely put the flowers in salads for color. I never thought to dry them for tea.

Author: Mary Hysong

your flower tea sounds great! I ll have to try that; what else do you use?

Author: Graziana

I prepare a different flower tea every year, with the available flowers from my garden: hyssop, chamomile, orange blossoms, rose, cinnamon basil, yellow clover... If it s a flower and it can be brewed (it s edible and smells good), i dry it and add to the mixture!

Author: Simona (URL)

Di fiori di borragine ne ho in quantita : seguiro il tuo consiglio per il loro utilizzo.

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