Recipe: Chocolate and ricotta plumcake with mint

Dessert recipes with herbs
September 11, 2011

MintI never get tired of new recipes with chocolate and mint, this time I tried a a soft plumcake enriched with ricotta cheese and garnished with walnuts, great for breakfast or as dessert.

Chocolate and ricotta plumcake with mint

Chocolate and ricotta plumcake with mint

200g ricotta
250g all-purpose flour
2 eggs
100g milk chocolate
7g baking powder
100g sugar
30g walnuts
100ml milk
1 sprig of mint

Separate the whites from the yolks and whip them.
Mix the ricotta with the egg yolks and sugar, then add the egg whites, flour, chopped chocolate and minced mint. Dissolve the baking powder in lukewarm milk and add to the other ingredients.
Pour in a buttered plumcake pan and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
Bake in preheated 180° C (356 F) oven 35 minutes.

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I'm hosting Weekend Herb Blogging this week (September 12th to 18th).

Weekend Herb Blogging is an event started by Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen and now handled by Haalo from Cook (almost) anything at least once.

WHB #301: Recap
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Author: shaheen (URL)

Hello my entry is winging its way to you.

Author: shaheen (URL)

I also wanted to say that Plum cake looks interesting, esp with ricotta - a cheese I don t eat or cook with much.

Author: Ancutza (URL)

slurp, adoro la menta e questa ricetta e davvero golosa.

Author: fragoliva (URL)

abbiamo inviato la mail per la nostra partecipazione al WHB 301... speriamo sia arrivata :-*

Author: astrofiammante (URL)

mi piace un sacco questo plumcake con la metterei ovunque ^ ___ ^

Author: Graziana

Il plumcake di ricotta è una ricetta classica che preparo da molti anni... questa volta non ho resistito a aggiungere anche cioccolato e menta per renderlo più goloso.

Author: Simona (URL)

Molto interessante l aggiunta della menta. E il contrasto tra soffice pasta e croccanti noci e un piacere.

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