Recipe: Baked pasta with caliceddi

Pasta with aromatic herbs
June 01, 2011

CaliceddiThe caliceddi or caliceddi di vigna (it can be translated as small cabbage from vineyards) are spontaneous herb widespread in eastern Sicily, especially -as the name suggests- between the rows of vines, but also in gardens and country roads.

The caliceddi have a bitter aftertaste and are traditionally served with sausage or pork meat.

CaliceddiMy father's garden has been fallow for a long time, and it's full of spontaneus herbs such caliceddi and borage. He brought caliceddi wrapped in a singular bundle that made ​​me smile, but it has a purpose: freshly picked vegetables wrapped in a damp cloth can be carried and set aside until the next day without losing consistency.

Baked pasta with caliceddi

Baked pasta with caliceddi

Serves two:
500g caliceddi
140g short pasta like penne
100g diced bacon
40g gorgonzola or blue cheese
3 tbsp grated Emmentaler
4 tbsp breadcrumbs

Cook caliceddi in boiling salted water for 10-15 minutes until tender.
Drain well and cook the pasta in the cooking water of caliceddi.
Meanwhile, toast the breadcrumbs in a pan until golden brown.
Fry the bacon, add the coarsely chopped caliceddi and cook a couple of minutes.
Drain the pasta and season with the caliceddi.

Baked pasta with caliceddiPlace half pasta into a baking pan, cover with the gorgonzola and the remaining pasta.
Sprinkle with the grated Emmentaler and toasted breadcrumbs.
Grill in oven for 10 minutes.

Weed s crusadeRelated post: Weed's crusade, tips and recipes for weeds and spontaneous herbs.

Pasta with onion and cinnamon basilOne year ago:

Pasta with onion and cinnamon basil

I am entering this in Presto Pasta Nights, hosted by Once Upon A Feast.
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Author: Ruth (URL)

No father to pick me a bunch, but I do love the notion. Thanks for sharing the thought and the pasta with Presto Pasta Nights.

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