November gardening tips

Growing aromatic herbs
November 09, 2010

In November, the activities in the garden finally slows down: harvests decrease, irrigation is almost useless and annual plants are dying and can be composted.

It's a good time to design and plan next year's sowings.

Giant Cardoon

The harvest

You can finally harvest the cardoons sowed last spring.

Do you want to ged rid of the nettle? Read the post Harvesting nettle: tips and recipes.

In November you can also continue to harvest many roots and berries (be careful, many of these are for medicinal uses only): Gentian, Lovage, Cowslip and Dandelion root and Dog Rose hips.

Seasonal herbs and spices: Burnet, chives garlic, cilantro, cress, dill, licorice, mint, nettle, parsley.

Seasoning vegetables and fruits, and harvest details: November harvest.


Protecting the plants

Lemon grass could be pruned, and you can also prune the licorice too, cutting away the dead stems.

Remember also to protect plants from winter.

Habanero WhiteTake also a look on how to handle the chili peppers plants during winter.

Water cress

Seeds to sow in November

A tip: you can start to sow garlic and onion bulbs.

Direct: chickpeas, garlic, lentils, winter radish.
Protected: barilla plant, chicory, corn salad, lettuce, rocket, spinach, strawberry.

Aromatic herbs and herbal teas.
Direct: cress.

Sage and rosemaryOne year ago:

Design, plan, thank

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