Recipe: Zucchini carpaccio

The 20 appetizers lunch
April 21, 2010

Almost all recipes from the 20 appetizers lunch are really quick and easy to prepare: it's the only way to don't lose your mental sanity in the process.
So, choose easy recipes, plan every step, and use prepared ingredients when possible.

Frozen green sauceI've already posted the green sauce (salsa verde) recipe, an italian typical sauce for capon and meat, that can be served also on croutons and cheese.
Green sauce is easy to prepare, but can also be frozen in cubes. It will surprise you.

Zucchini carpaccio

Zucchini carpaccio with salsa verde

Cut a courgette into very thin slices, put them on a serving plate and season with little olive oil. Serve with green sauce.

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Dandelion salad with winter radishes
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Author: Joanne (URL)

Carpaccio is so good, especially when zucchini is in season and at the height of flavor!

Author: max - lapiccolacasa (URL)

complimenti davvero per il blog, veramente interessante, ti seguirò spesso soni molto interessato all argomento e il mio piccolo orticello sulla terrazza (una trentina di piante) ha proprio bisogno dei tuoi consigli.


Author: Graziana

Benvenuto Max, sono anche io un appassionata con molto entusiasmo, ma sono sempre lieta di condividere le mia esperienze e scambiare consigli e suggerimenti

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