Watching the little dark chili plants

Growing chili peppers
March 01, 2010

Many chili growers love the dark plants: some are ornamental ones, that mature from black to many bright different colours, and there are some cooking chilies, that mature from dark green to brown or purple-black.

Last year I showed some black ornamental chilies: this year I'm growing again some of them, like the amazing Black Pearl with black leaves and the variegated Little Nubian.
I'm also growing many new varieties with dark leaves or pods, ornamental or not.

Peruvian PurpleThe Peruvian Purple is an ornamental chili with purple pods and variegated leaves.

Chilhuacle NegroI'm very happy to finally have a Chilhuacle Negro: it's a mexican dark chili, used in the chicken or turkey moles.

Variegata TrifettiVariegata Trifetti is famous for its variegated leaves, and its pods ripe from purple to red.

Czechoslovakian BlackCzechoslovakian Black produces black pods that ripen to purple and red.

Ecuadorian PurpleEcuadorian Purple is an ornamental chili with green and purple leaves. Its pods ripen from dark purple to red.

Rain Forest TricolorRain Forest Tricolor is a rare ornamental chili, I'm admiring its variegated green and purple leaves, and I can't wait to see its pods.

Black ChiliesRead also:

The collector's garden Black Chilies

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Growing chili peppers


Author: Rachel (URL)

What beautiful pepper plants! Just wanted to let you know that the My Legume Love Affair 20 roundup is now live. Thank you for submitting your awesome recipe.

Author: Joanne (URL)

I really hope you make a mole with that chilhuaco negro! it is one of my favorite dishes.

Author: PJ (URL)

Wow, such beautiful chili plants! I loved reading the information and the culinary uses of all these wonderful herbs you have featured. Do you grow most of these herbs?

Author: Graziana

Thank you, I hope these tiny plants will grow soon.

PJ: Yes, all the plants in the photo gallery are mine. In the lateral bar you can always find all the existing plants.

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