Recipe: Kamut kebabs with coriander

Vegetarian and vegan recipes with herbs
February 16, 2010

I'm reading some old posts, and I'm feeling really wistful: in February spring seems close, but winter can be unbearable.

CorianderI want that my plants grow soon, that the garden work will become harvest instead of sow… but while I wait, I cook using the few fresh aromatic herbs from my garden, first of all the coriander.

This recipe is the eggless remake of a similar one, that was a real treat: spelt and lentil fritters. This new version uses frozen spinach because (sigh…) this time I haven't any greens to harvest.

Kamut kebabs with coriander

Kamut kebabs with coriander

2 tbsp kamut
1 tbsp pearl barley
1 tbsp red lentils
1 tbsp yellow lentils
50g frozen spinach
3 tbsp chickpeas flour
3 tbsp grated parmesan
2 sprigs of fresh coriander
1/2 onion

Cook kamut, pearl barley, red and yellow lentils boiling salted water for 45-50 minutes, until tender.
Meanwhile cook the spinach and drain well.
Mince legumes, grains, spinach, onion and fresh coriander with a blender. Add the chickpeas flour and parmesan.
Shape into small balls and fry them in oil until golden brown.

Serve with chutney: I used my Quick Chutney.

Spelt and lentil fritters with dandelionA similar recipe:

Spelt and lentil fritters with dandelion

This goes to Cindystar who's hosting Weekend Herb Blogging, handled by Cook (almost) anything at least once.
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Author: cinzia (URL)

grazie cara!
un modo diverso di fare le solite polpette , approvato!

Author: Joanne (URL)

I feel your pain! I am so missing those summer veggies also. Can t wait for spring.

At least there is good food like this out there to be made. Looks delicious.

Author: Cristina (URL)

Veramente carinissimo questo sito, ho letto un sacco di ottime ricette, mi manca il coriandolo, ma domani provo questa!!!
Grazie dell ottima ricetta, tornerò a trovarti.

Author: Graziana

Ciao Cristina, sostituisci il coriandolo con del prezzemolo, qualche goccia di limone e del cumino se ne hai: ovviamente non è la stessa cosa, ma è meglio che non usarlo affatto. Fammi sapere!

Author: CRI

attenzione che non sono vegetariane se c è il PARMIGIANO!!

Author: Graziana

Ciao CRI, se vi sono formaggi, uova, miele o altri DERIVATI di animali è vegetariano ma non vegano

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