Recipe: Ginger and rosemary braid

Bread with aromatic herbs
February 05, 2010

GingerI made this bread for Imbolc (February 2nd), because it's braid shaped and it uses ginger, rosemary and cloves, the Imbolc herbs.

This bread can be served with cheese, but also with butter and jam.

You can use the same herbs for a tea, and enjoy it during a cold afternoon, while hoping that spring will come soon.

Ginger and rosemary braid

Ginger and rosemary braid

600g bread dough
4cm size piece of ginger
1 tbsp rosemary leaves
2 cloves
2 tbsp milk
1 tbsp sesame seeds

Mince the ginger and cloves. Add them and rosemary leaves to the bread dough and knead well.

BraidDivide into three parts.

BraidJoin them as shown in the picture.

BraidBraid them.

BraidLet the braid rise for one hour.

Semi di sesamoBrush with milk and garnish with sesame seeds.
Bake in preheated 180° C (356 F) oven 30 minutes.

Ginger FrittersGinger Fritters
A tip: with some bread dough with herbs, create small patties and fry them in hot oil until golden brown.

Indian ginger and garlic breadSimilar recipes:

Indian ginger and garlic bread

Rosemary bread

Lavender and rosemary fritters

I'm sending this to Yeast Spotting.

This recipe joins also to Cooking with seeds - Sesame Seeds.
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Author: Joanne (URL)

I would never have thought to combine rosemary and ginger together but you make it look so good! Definitely gonna have to try this bread.

Author: Mimi (URL)

Interesting combination of herbs. I bet it especially tastes good in the fritters!

Author: Graziana

The ginger+rosemary combo was delicious. The ginger aroma was stronger in the fritters than in bread.

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