Numex Twilight meets ladybug

Growing chili peppers
March 11, 2008

It was raining all through the night and morning. The chili pepper plants that I had brought out have tasted their first rain drops.

Numex Twilight and ladybug

This afternoon there was a welcomed guest in the Numex Twilight pot, a ladybug. So many new experiences for these little plants growning up indoor!

ChiliesRead also:

Storing chili peppers

Fiery recipes

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Author: Melinda

So cute! I m growing Numex peppers, too. My grandmother lived in New Mexico, and we used to go there every summer. My favorite was the food with green chiles... mmmm.

Author: nagalone

Le simpatiche coccinelle sono grandi amiche dei peppermaniaci ... quando ne trovo qualcuna, la sposto delicatamente sulle piante (anche indoor); purtroppo se non ci sono afidi da sgranocchiare dopo un po se ne vanno.

Author: Emma

Lovely blog! I found you through the Growing Challenge :)

Author: Graziana

@nagalone: sì è quello che ho fatto anch io, ha fatto 24 ore di attenta perlustrazione e poi è volata via

@emma: welcome emma, what are you growing for the challenge?

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